The Governing Body exists to support and advise the Headteacher and his team in running the school for the benefit of the education and enjoyment of its pupils, to provide a productive and creative workplace for its staff and create a happy, purposeful environment for all.

Mr Scott Metcalfe
Chair of Governors
Background: Scott has been a governor at Broadway Junior School for 16 years. He has lived in Sunderland for most of his life and has worked in the accountancy field as well as in Education as a Teaching Assistant and Teacher.
In school: Scott is interested in all aspects of school life and believes that the school should be a safe, enjoyable place for all with a broad and balanced curriculum offer.
Outside school: Scott enjoys the outdoors either working in his garden or walking his spoilt dog, Wylam. He also enjoys spending time with friends and family. Scott volunteers regularly at litter picks organised by the Local Ranger.

Mr Phil Boyle
Vice Chair of Governors | SEND Link Governor | RE Link Governor
Background: Phil is Sunderland born and bred. A former shipyard worker, who became a teacher when the shipyards closed. Recently retired, he worked as a teacher and class tutor in primary, secondary and special needs schools in Sunderland and South Tyneside, teaching across a wide variety of age groups, and subjects. He was, for part of his career, the Y6/7 Transition lead for Sandhill View, and worked closely with Broadway Juniors and the other local primary schools.
In school: Phil is the link governor for SEND and R.E. and tries to get into school regularly. He has a keen interest in pupils with additional needs, and hopes, alongside the whole school staff, that we continue to ensure we provide all pupils at Broadway Juniors, a broad, balanced curriculum, accessible to all of our pupils.
Outside School Phil has a wide variety of interests. He regularly goes to concerts and the theatre, plays in a band, plays football, attends Sunderland matches and watches a wide variety of other sports. He travels with his wife, reads, enjoys gardening, and is an active member of his church community. He is currently attempting to learn Italian, when time allows.

Mr David Walton-Jonas
Ex-officio - Headteacher
Background: David has a wealth of experience in school improvement activities through his previous roles relating to: assessment, curriculum development and phase leadership. He has also been recognised for his work in developing special educational needs practices locally and nationally. Prior to taking up post as Headteacher here at Broadway, he successfully (and rapidly) developed two schools that were graded 'Requires Improvement'. One as a Senior Leader/Year 6 teacher and one as Deputy Headteacher where his leadership was graded 'Outstanding' by Ofsted.
In school: David, as Headteacher, is responsible for all aspects of the school's organisation and operation. He is a strategic leader who has many links with other local schools and Headteachers. Opportunities to explore new initiatives and opportunities for the children at Broadway is at the forefront of his focus each and every day.
Outside of school: David is happily married with two, young children. All things 'family life' make things busy but fulfilling. Breaks away with the family, meals out and time with friends are a perfect way to wind down and relax.

Mrs Nicola Walker
Deputy Headteacher & Staff Governor
Background: Nicola has over two decades of experience in education. During this time she has developed a wealth of skills through a range of different roles including; leadership, external KS2 moderator, leading teacher and working for the local university in developing the next generation of teachers.
In school: Holding the positions of Deputy Head, Governor, and English Lead at Broadway Juniors, Nicola plays a role in the development of the school, working collaboratively with colleagues to ensure the delivery of high-quality education. Nicola believes that reading is not merely a subject, but the cornerstone of an effective curriculum which empowers children to become lifelong learners.
Outside of school: Nicola enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Being an avid reader, Nicola is often found in her garden enjoying a good book. She loves going on holiday, finding new and exciting places to visit.

Mrs Fiona Lynn
Background: Fiona is an experienced school leader, having worked in many leadership roles within the primary age range across two authorities. Fiona is Headteacher at a junior school within the local authority where her leadership was recently judged as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. Fiona represents headteachers at a range of panel meetings within the authority including the Vulnerable Pupils Panel and the Behaviour and Attendance Panel.
In school: Fiona, as governor, is a member of the School Improvement Committee. This enables her to bring her wealth of curriculum knowledge, high expectations and knowledge of local schools and organisations to the committee whilst also enabling her to support the school improvement tasks from an informed view whilst also offering additional strategies to support the leadership team and headteacher.
Outside of school: Fiona enjoys time with her family and holidays in the sunshine. She spends lots of time watching and cheering her daughter at local sporting events. She is an avid reader, keen swimmer and has recently started attending crafting workshops, all of which she finds very relaxing.

Miss Nicola Girdwood

Mrs Rebecca Petrie
Co-opted Governor

Mrs Sara Scott
Background: Sara has been teaching in primary schools for 20 years; many of those years have been as a teacher at Grindon Infant School - teaching in Early Years and Key Stage One. Currently, her role is Early Years Lead and she teaches in Nursery.
In School: Sara is a co-opted governor at Broadway Junior School. Sara believes that early child development sets the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour and health. The experiences children have in their early childhood shape the brain and the child's capacity to learn, to get along with others, and to respond to daily stresses and challenges. Sara is keen to support the school in continuing to provided high quality learning experiences.
Outside of School: Sara enjoys spending time with family and friends. Sara loves being outdoors! She spends her spare time discovering new places to visit. Sara’s newest hobby is trying to grow different things in her garden.

Miss Jenny Usher
Parent Governor | Play Link Governor

Miss Tracey Watson
Parent Governor