The new school year begins on Monday 9th September 2024.
The new school year begins on Monday 9th September 2024.
Broadway Junior School

Parent Partnership

Welcome to Parents Area of the Broadway Junior School website. Here at Broadway we consider ourselves as partners with parents and carers – working together to support and challenge all our children to be the best they can be. Our friendly staff have ambitious expectations for the children in our care and, consequently, our children thrive and succeed. As a school community we constantly strive to improve provision for pupils and we fully appreciate the support we receive from home.

We aim to establish an open and welcoming ethos in school where parents and carers are able to come in to school and talk to staff about their child’s development and progress. We are committed to ensuring every child achieves their potential so that they are prepared academically, personally and socially for the next stage of their journey and into adulthood. Our school is built on the values of Respect, Resilience and Relationships enabling all to “Learn to Achieve”.

In this section of the website you will find information to help you and your child be part of the school community.

Please click on the links and downloads below for more information.
Family Learning is where both children and adults are involved in learning activities together and through these shared experiences the culture of learning in the family grows, and the children have a greater opportunity of succeeding in life.

Family Learning at Broadway Junior School helps parents and carers improve their self-confidence and parenting skills and their ability to help their children learn. Children benefit because parents become more interested and involved in their child's school life, learning how to support them more effectively.

Family Learning encourages all the family to participate in lifelong learning; for some parents it can be the first step towards developing further learning for themselves or engaging in volunteer work or seeking paid employment.

The Change 4 Life Sunderland programme works with children and families across the city to provide support and advice on nutrition and physical activity. It also features top healthy eating tips, quick and easy family recipes, fun activities for children and lots more.

Booklets (please click on the links below)