We offer a FREE Breakfast Club (8.00am - 8.30am) and Wraparound is available until 5.00pm. Please speak with the school office re. charges.
We offer a FREE Breakfast Club (8.00am - 8.30am) and Wraparound is available until 5.00pm. Please speak with the school office re. charges.
Broadway Junior School


At Broadway Junior School we have high expectations for all of our pupils and believe that all pupils can achieve highly and become confident and skilled mathematicians. We strive for all pupils to be curious about mathematics and to understand the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives. Since the introduction of the new Mathematics Curriculum in 2014, we have adopted a Mastery Approach to Maths.

In line with the aims of the National Curriculum for mathematics, at Broadway Juniors, we intend that our pupils gain:

  • Access to a high quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable
  • Deep and sustainable learning in mathematics which they are able to apply to a range of contexts
  • An ability to build on previous knowledge
  • An ability to reason about a concept and make connections
  • Sound procedural and conceptual understanding
  • Fluency with number
  • An ability to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller steps and showing resilience

You will typically see the following features to mathematics learning:

The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. Differentiation is achieved by emphasising deep knowledge and through individual support and intervention. The questioning and scaffolding individual pupils receive in class as they work through problems will differ and pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through more demanding problems which deepen their knowledge further. Practice and consolidation play a central role to mathematics learning. Carefully designed variation within this builds fluency and understanding of underlying mathematical concepts in tandem.

Teachers use precise questioning in class to test conceptual and procedural knowledge, and assess pupils regularly to identify those requiring intervention so that all pupils keep up. Teachers use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach to ensure that concepts are modelled to pupils using multiple representations. This ensures that procedural and conceptual understanding is developed simultaneously.

In most classes pupils are seated in mixed ability groups as we believe that all pupils can attain highly in mathematics and every pupil will have different strengths and development areas. In some year groups or classes where there is a wide range of ability, children may be organised in ability groups.

Pupils spend far longer on key mathematical concepts in number. From Year 3 to Year 5, we follow a structured curriculum map (based on the 'NCETM' recovery curriculum), however this is flexible to the needs of the pupils and therefore if a concept has not been grasped thoroughly by most pupils, there is flexibility to adapt the curriculum map and spend longer teaching or revisiting particular concepts. The government Ready to Progress Criteria (RTP) will also be used when making judgements about curriculum planning. Those pupils who grasp concepts more rapidly are given opportunities to deepen their knowledge further and improve their reasoning skills, through rich problems, rather than accelerating on to new curriculum content. Year 6 currently follow the 'White Rose' curriculum map, but again this is flexible depending on the needs of the year group. All pupils will have access to a daily 'memory jogger' (in early bird time). This is where previously covered concepts and skills will be revisited to aid memory. There is also a 'daily maths meeting' for 15 minutes (usually before the main maths lesson). During this time pupils will practice the skills of counting, fact recall, mental calculation methods and written methods. Years 3 and 4 will also spend some time within this session on the learning and recall of times tables facts.

Teachers will briefly recap previous learning before building on this previous learning by introducing the next step to the pupils. Teachers use concrete apparatus and visual representations at every opportunity to reinforce the concept and ensure deep and meaningful understanding. Pupils have the opportunity to practise the new skills using carefully crafted and varied questioning and talk will be used regularly to allow the pupils the opportunity to feedback as to how they solved problems. During the teacher input, additional staff should be assessing and identifying those pupils who do not grasp the concept as quickly or fully as others. This information will then be passed back to the teacher so that the teacher can work directly with these pupils during independent work. During independent learning the pupils should, as far as possible, practise the skills that they have acquired independently to avoid an over-reliance on adults, however throughout this time, additional staff should work with different pupils to support and assess learning.

Following the pandemic and introduction of the NCETM recovery curriculum pupils in Y3-5 will be assessed on a regular basis using the NCETM assessment materials linked to the government Ready to Progress Criteria (RTP). Pupils in Year 6 will be assessed using practice SATs test papers. This range of assessments, in conjunction with evidence in books and year group moderation, will then be used to make a judgement about whether a pupil is on track to achieve age-related expectations. This information will be recorded in the school's data system and discussed at termly Pupil Progress Meetings.

Parents will be informed of their child's current academic achievement through parents meetings and school reports.

The subject leader and senior leadership team will monitor impact through learning walks, lesson observations, book scrutiny and pupil voice interviews.